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Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 101 a 120 di 152
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Source parameters of the weak seismicity occurred close to the Collalto gas storage (Northeastern Italy) 1-gen-2018 Moratto, L; Romano, Ma; Laurenzano, G; Colombelli, S; Priolo, E; Zollo, A; Saraò, A; Picozzi, M
What is there to eat for small pelagic fish along the western adriatic coast? Zooplankton assemblages collected by two different nets off the Po river delta and in the gulf of Manfredonia (Italy). 1-gen-2009 Tirelli, V; Borme, D; Legovini, S; DE OLAZABAL, A; Grilli, F; Palomera, I
Improving CTBTO monitoring capabilities: the Italian proposal for a CNF 1-gen-2015 Pesaresi, D; Horn, N
"SeismoSAT" Project State of the Art: Connecting Seismic Data Centers via Satellite 1-gen-2014 Pesaresi, D; Lenhardt, W; Rauch, M; Živcic, M; Steiner, R; Bertoni, M
Influenza della protezione sulla struttura dei popolamenti algali dell’AMP “Isola di Ustica”, un caso di studio. 1-gen-2008 Agnetta, Davide
The Sources of Destructive Earthquakes Retieved From Their Regional Intensity Patterns by a new Inversion Technique 1-gen-2004 Sirovich, L; Pettenati, F
Focal Mechanism of a Catastropic Earthquake of the Last Rococo Period (1783) in Southern Italy Retrieved by Inverting Historical Information on Damage 1-gen-2007 Sirovich, L; Pettenati, F
A new Kinematic Approach to Calculate Seismic Hazard Scenarios (Intensity and Peak Ground Displacement); an example in SE Sicily. 1-gen-2007 Sirovich, L; Pettenati, F
The usage of Antelope for acquiring end exchanging data in the South-Eastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives 1-gen-2010 Bragato, Pl; Costa, G; Horn, N; Pahor, J; Pesaresi, D; Lenhardt, W; Suhadolc, P; Zivcic, M
Integrate Processing of Seismic and Infrasound Monitoring in Northeast Italy: The Fadalto Case 1-gen-2013 Pesaresi, D; Ripepe, M
Probabilistic Magnitude of Completeness in Northeastern Italy: feedback of the OGS 30-years-old regional seismometric network 1-gen-2008 Gentili, S.; Sugan, M; Peruzza, L.; Schorlemmer, D.
Arctic Ocean Gas Hydrate Stability Versus Changing Climate 1-gen-2013 Giustiniani, M; Tinivella, U.; Jakobsson, M.; Rebesco, M.
Understanding the public perception of sharks as a tool for their conservation. 1-gen-2017 Giovos, I.; Barash, A.; Barone, M.; Barria, C.; Borme, D; Brigaudeau, C.; Brito, C.; Currie, J.; Dornhege, M.; Endrizzi, L.; Forsberg, K.; Jung, A.; Kleitou, P.; Macdiarmid, A.; Nakagun, S.; Nunes, F.; Schröder, D.; Thurstan, R.; Tull, M.; Tunçer, S.; Mazzoldi, C.
Reconstructing past and present behaviours, occurrence, and seasonality of elasmobranch species through the recovery of local ecological knowledge. 1-gen-2019 Barbato, M.; Barría, C.; Bellodi, A.; Bonanomi, S.; Borme, D; Ćetković, I.; Colmenero, A. I.; Colloca, F.; Crocetta, F.; Demīr, E.; De Carlo, F.; Di Lorenzo, M.; Follesa, M. C.; Garibaldi, F.; Giglio, G.; Giovos, I.; Guerriero, G.; Hentati, O.; Jevremović, A.; Kruschel, C.; Ksibi, M.; Lanteri, L.; Ligas, A.; Madonna, A.; Matić-Skoko, S.; Mimica, R.; Moutopoulos, D. K.; Mulas, A.; Nerlović, V.; Tsouknidas, ; Pešić, A.; Porcu, C.; Riginella, E.; Riviello, F.; Sperone, E.; Tunçer, S.; Vrdoljak, D.; Mazzoldi, C.
Location Capability and Site Characterization Installing a Borehole VBB Seismometer: the OGS Experience in Ferrara (Italy) 1-gen-2014 Pesaresi, D; Barnaba, C
"PRESTo" Early Warning Algorithm at Central and Eastern European Earthquake Research Network: Lessons from Configuring an High Density Seismic Network 1-gen-2015 Pesaresi, D; Picozzi, M; Elia, L; Gosar, A; Lenhardt, W; Mucciarelli, M; Živčić, M; Zollo, A
Effects of wind forcing and river runoff on the dynamics in the Gulf of Trieste: a numerical study with a pre-operational model 1-gen-2005 Querin, S; Crise, A; Solidoro, C; Gabelli, M
GYPSUM'S ROLE IN THE SINKHOLES OF THE TAGLIAMENTO RIVER VALLEY (NE ITALY) 1-gen-2013 Cucchi, F.; Zini, L.; Calligaris, C.; Forte, E.; Petronio, L.; Zavagno, E.
Modelling the finite source effects in ShakeMap through synthetic seismograms: tests on the 2009 M6.3 L'Aquila earthquake 1-gen-2010 Moratto, L; Saraò, A; Bragato, Pl
Assessing temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass in two different coastal areas: the Gulf of Trieste (North Adriatic) and the Bay of Sozopol (Western Black Sea), for the definition of good ecosystem status (GES). 1-gen-2013 Lipizer, M; De Vittor, C.; Kralj, M.; Georgieva, I.; Karamfilvov, V.; Hiebaum, G.
Prodotti della tipologia (ordinati per Data di deposito in Decrescente ordine): 101 a 120 di 152
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  • 4 Contributo in Atti di Convegno ...152
  • Lipizer, Marina19
  • Moratto, Luca19
  • Pesaresi, Damiano18
  • De Vittor, Cinzia16
  • Borme, Diego14
  • Esposito, Valentina14
  • Romano, Maria Adelaide11
  • Sarao', Angela11
  • Bragato, Pier Luigi10
  • Priolo, Enrico9
Data di pubblicazione
  • 2020 - 202413
  • 2010 - 201988
  • 2000 - 200949
  • 1994 - 19992
  • CTBTO2
  • EOS, Transaction, AGU2
  • European Geosciences Union2
  • European Seismological Commission...2
  • American Geophysical Union1
  • Copernicus1
  • Dipartimento di Matematica e Geos...1
  • EGU1
  • EGU General Assembly 20141
  • European Association of Geoscient...1
  • EOS2
  • OGS10
  • Antelope4
  • exchanging3
  • real time3
  • seismic network3
  • Acquiring2
  • analyzing2
  • Antarctica2
  • archiving2
  • carbonate system2
  • eng104
  • ita2
Accesso al fulltext
  • no fulltext100
  • reserved29
  • open23