Crispi, Guido
Crispi, Guido
OGS - Sezione di Ricerca Oceanografia
2004-2009 CO2GeoNet Activities: Final OGS-DOGA Results in Oceanography
2004-01-01 Bgs, (UK); Bgr, (DE); Brgm, (FR); Geus, (DK); Hwu, (UK); Ifp, (FR); Imperial, (UK); Niva, (NO); Ogs, (IT); Iris, (NO); Spr, (NO); Tno, (NL); Urs, (IT); Crispi, G.; Riley N., (BGS Co-ordinator)
A biogeochemical modelling approach to nitrogen budget in the Mediterranean Sea
1994-01-01 Mosetti, R.; Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Mauri, E.
A combined approach to study interannual variability of pigments in the first optical length in Mediterranean Sea
2004-01-01 Crise, Alessandro; Crispi, Guido; Mosetti, Valentina
A coupled hydrodynamic-biological model of the Mediterranean Sea
1992-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Mosetti, R.
A numerical assessment of the impact of the atmospheric input on the N and P cycles in the Mediterranean Sea
2003-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Canu, D.; Mosetti, V.; Pacciaroni, M.; Tomini, I.
A Numerical Essay Of The Interannual Variability Of The Ecosystem In The Ionian Sea
2001-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Solidoro, C.
A numerical estimate of the impact of the Saharan dust on Mediterranean trophic web
2002-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.
A Numerical Study of Phytoplankton Distribution in Mediterranean Sea
2002-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Solidoro, C.
A numerical study on the influence of the solar radiation on biogeochemical cycles in Eastern Mediterranean
1994-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Mosetti, R.; Palamidese P., (CNR)
A seasonal three-dimensional study of the nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean Sea Part I. Model implementation and numerical results
1998-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Mauri, E.
A seasonal three-dimensional study of the nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean Sea: Part II. Verification of the energy constrained trophic model
1999-01-01 Crispi, G.; Crise, A.; Mauri, E.
A three-dimensional coupled ecological hydrodynamical model for the Adriatic Sea
1999-01-01 Umgiesser (CNR), G.; Solidoro, C.; Crispi, G.; Crise, A.
A Three-Dimensional Eco-Hydrodynamical Model of the Mediterranean Sea
1999-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Mosetti, V.; Solidoro, C.
Adjoint Estimation of Aquatic Ecosystem Parameters
1993-01-01 Crispi, G.; Mosetti, R.
Adjoint Parameter Identification of Ecomodels
1996-01-01 Crispi, G.
Adjoint Parameter Identification of Ecomodels
1995-01-01 Crispi, Guido
Alcune Applicazioni del Metodo di Pisarenko
1989-01-01 Crise, A.; Crispi, G.
An a priori approach to assimilation of ecological data in marine ecosystem models
2003-01-01 Solidoro, C.; Crise, A.; Crispi, G.; Pastres, R.
Annex I - Final Mediterranean Targeted Project II Products and Results in the Mediterranean Ecosystem Works by OGS-DOGA
1999-01-01 Crispi, G.; Bellucci, A.; Mosetti, R.; Crise, A.; Solidoro, C.; Monaco A., (CEFREM FR)
Balancing the Modular Ocean Model for Mediterranean Ecosystem
2004-01-01 Pacciaroni, M.; Crispi, G.