The Italian peninsula and the Tyrrhenian Seaare some of the geologically most complex regions onEarth. Such a complexity is expressed by large lateral andvertical variations of the physical properties as inferredfrom the lithosphere-asthenosphere structure and by thewide varieties of Plio-Quaternary magmatic rocks rangingfrom tholeiitic to calcalkaline to sodium- and potassiumalkalineand ultra-alkaline compositions.The integration of geophysical, petrological andgeochemical data allows us to recognise various sectors inthe Tyrrhenian Sea and surrounding areas and comparedifferent volcanic complexes in order to better constrain theregional geodynamics. A thin crust overlying a soft mantle(10% of partial melting) is typical of the back arc volcanismof the central Tyrrhenian Sea (MAGNAGHI, VAVILOV &MARSILI) where tholeiitic rocks dominate. Similarlithosphere-asthenosphere structure is observed for Ustica,Vulture and Etna volcanoes where the geochemicalsignatures could be related to the contamination of the sideintraplate mantle by material coming from either ancient oractive roll-back. The lithosphere-asthenosphere structureand geochemical-isotopic composition do not changesignificantly when we move to the Stromboli-Campanianvolcanoes, where we identify a well developed low-velocitylayer, about 10-15 km thick, below a thin lid, overlain by athin continental crust. The geochemical signature of thenearby Ischia volcano is characteristic of the Campaniansector and the relative lithosphere-asthenosphere structuremay likely represent a transition to the back arc volcanismsector acting in the central Tyrrhenian. The difference interms of structure beneath Stromboli and the nearbyVulcano and Lipari is confirmed by different geochemicalsignatures. The affinity between Vulcano, Lipari and Etnacould be explained by their common position along theTindari-Letoianni-Malta fault zone. A low velocity mantlewedge, just below the Moho, is present in all the regionsrelated to the inactive recent volcanoes (Amiata, Vulsini, &Cimino, Vico, Sabatini, Albani Hills) in the Tuscany andRoman regions. A very thick rigid body is found in theupper mantle beneath the Ernici-Roccamonfina provincethat exhibits very distinct geochemical and isotopiccompositions when compared with the Roman province.
La penisola italiana ed il Mar Tirreno sono alcunetra le regioni più complesse dal punto di vista geologico. Talecomplessità è resa evidente da ampie variazioni verticali elaterali nelle proprietà fisiche della struttura litosferaastenosferae dalla grande varietà di rocce magmatiche del periodo Plio-Quaternario, la cui composizione varia datoleitica a calcalcalina, da sodio- e potassio-alcalina ad ultraalcalina.L’analisi contestuale di dati geofisici, petrologici e geochimiciha permesso di riconoscere vari settori del mar Tirreno edelle aree circostanti e di mettere a confronto diversicomplessi vulcanici con lo scopo di porre vincoli attendibiliai processi geodinamici regionali. La presenza di una crostasottile che sovrasta un mantello soffice (10% di fusioneparziale) è tipica del vulcanismo di retro-arco presente nelTirreno centrale, dove predominano le rocce toleitiche. Unastruttura litosfera-astenosfera simile è stata osservata incorrispondenza dei vulcani Ustica, Vulture ed Etna, dove lecaratteristiche geochimiche possono essere legate allacontaminazione del mantello da parte di materiale derivanteda processi di roll-back recenti o passati. La strutturalitosfera-astenosfera e la composizione geochimica-isotopicanon cambiano in modo significativo se si consideranoStromboli e i vulcani campani dove uno strato a bassavelocità ben sviluppato, dello spessore di 10-15 km, èpresente sotto un sottile lid, sovrastato da una sottile crostacontinentale. L’impronta geochimica del vicino vulcano diIschia è caratteristica del settore campano e la relativastruttura litosfera-astenosfera può verosimilmenterappresentare una transizione al settore caratterizzato dalvulcanismo di retro-arco che è presente nel Tirreno centrale.La differenza, in termini di struttura, tra lo Stromboli ed ivicini Vulcano e Lipari è confermata dalle diversecaratteristiche geochimiche. L’affinità tra Vulcano, Lipari edEtna può, invece, essere spiegata dalla loro comune posizionelungo la zona di faglia Tindari-Letoianni-Malta. Nella regioneToscana e nella provincia Romana, il mantello, a bassavelocità, affiora subito sotto la Moho in tutte le regioni in cuisono presenti vulcani recenti inattivi (Amiata, Vulsini,Cimino, Vico, Sabatini, Albani, Hills). Nel mantello superioresotto la zona Ernici-Roccamorfina è stato identificato uncorpo rigido e molto spesso che presenta composizionigeochimiche ed isotopiche ben distinte se paragonate con laprovincia Romana.
Structure of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere and Volcanism in the Tyrrhenian Sea and surroundings
Saraò A;
The Italian peninsula and the Tyrrhenian Seaare some of the geologically most complex regions onEarth. Such a complexity is expressed by large lateral andvertical variations of the physical properties as inferredfrom the lithosphere-asthenosphere structure and by thewide varieties of Plio-Quaternary magmatic rocks rangingfrom tholeiitic to calcalkaline to sodium- and potassiumalkalineand ultra-alkaline compositions.The integration of geophysical, petrological andgeochemical data allows us to recognise various sectors inthe Tyrrhenian Sea and surrounding areas and comparedifferent volcanic complexes in order to better constrain theregional geodynamics. A thin crust overlying a soft mantle(10% of partial melting) is typical of the back arc volcanismof the central Tyrrhenian Sea (MAGNAGHI, VAVILOV &MARSILI) where tholeiitic rocks dominate. Similarlithosphere-asthenosphere structure is observed for Ustica,Vulture and Etna volcanoes where the geochemicalsignatures could be related to the contamination of the sideintraplate mantle by material coming from either ancient oractive roll-back. The lithosphere-asthenosphere structureand geochemical-isotopic composition do not changesignificantly when we move to the Stromboli-Campanianvolcanoes, where we identify a well developed low-velocitylayer, about 10-15 km thick, below a thin lid, overlain by athin continental crust. The geochemical signature of thenearby Ischia volcano is characteristic of the Campaniansector and the relative lithosphere-asthenosphere structuremay likely represent a transition to the back arc volcanismsector acting in the central Tyrrhenian. The difference interms of structure beneath Stromboli and the nearbyVulcano and Lipari is confirmed by different geochemicalsignatures. The affinity between Vulcano, Lipari and Etnacould be explained by their common position along theTindari-Letoianni-Malta fault zone. A low velocity mantlewedge, just below the Moho, is present in all the regionsrelated to the inactive recent volcanoes (Amiata, Vulsini, &Cimino, Vico, Sabatini, Albani Hills) in the Tuscany andRoman regions. A very thick rigid body is found in theupper mantle beneath the Ernici-Roccamonfina provincethat exhibits very distinct geochemical and isotopiccompositions when compared with the Roman province.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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