3.1 Monografia o trattato scientifico
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 933
EU - Europa 703
AS - Asia 684
AF - Africa 54
SA - Sud America 6
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 2.383
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 928
IT - Italia 453
SG - Singapore 294
HK - Hong Kong 261
DE - Germania 84
KR - Corea 52
CN - Cina 51
SN - Senegal 51
FI - Finlandia 43
RU - Federazione Russa 27
FR - Francia 23
GB - Regno Unito 16
IE - Irlanda 16
NL - Olanda 15
IN - India 10
HU - Ungheria 7
TR - Turchia 7
ES - Italia 6
CA - Canada 5
BR - Brasile 4
JP - Giappone 4
AT - Austria 3
AU - Australia 3
GR - Grecia 3
MC - Monaco 3
TW - Taiwan 3
CO - Colombia 2
HR - Croazia 2
LY - Libia 2
BE - Belgio 1
IR - Iran 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 2.383
Città #
Chandler 309
Hong Kong 245
Boardman 184
Singapore 183
Trieste 113
Dakar 51
Seoul 47
Helsinki 42
Ashburn 39
Washington 39
Rome 33
Milan 24
Gorizia 19
Dublin 16
Naples 14
Acate 13
Frankfurt am Main 11
Central 10
Hanover 10
Palermo 10
Muggia 9
Bologna 8
Piscataway 8
Arnad 7
Bari 7
Budapest 7
Chennai 7
St Petersburg 7
Turin 7
Marseille 6
San Giuliano Terme 6
Casarano 5
Catania 5
Giugliano in Campania 5
Paris 5
Phoenix 5
Sassari 5
Seattle 5
The Dalles 5
Amsterdam 4
Ankara 4
Atlanta 4
Beijing 4
Gatchina 4
Gunzenhausen 4
Livorno 4
Moscow 4
Padova 4
Venice 4
Verona 4
Aberdeen 3
Bellinzago Novarese 3
Bonndorf 3
Conegliano 3
Florence 3
Gelsenkirchen 3
Genoa 3
Gioia del Colle 3
Keighley 3
Kiel 3
Liverpool 3
Monaco 3
Munich 3
Nizhniy Novgorod 3
Sabadell 3
Sankt Augustin 3
Terralba 3
Tokyo 3
Trento 3
Verghereto 3
Zero Branco 3
Adelaide 2
Aix-en-Provence 2
Alcamo 2
Antibes 2
Athens 2
Bucheres 2
Camerino 2
Casalecchio di Reno 2
Cellatica 2
Chieti 2
Clifton 2
Council Bluffs 2
Cáceres 2
Dieppe 2
Exeter 2
Falconara Marittima 2
Forlì 2
Gazzaniga 2
Geretsried 2
Heidelberg 2
Istanbul 2
Kaohsiung City 2
London 2
Los Angeles 2
Manassas 2
Messina 2
Nanjing 2
Pavia 2
Perm 2
Totale 1.696
Nome #
Atlante dei lineamenti di pericolosità geologica dei mari italiani- Risultati del progetto MaGIC 187
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000, Foglio 571 “Crotone” 102
EU marine beach litter baselines. Analysis of a pan-European 2012-2016 beach litter dataset 86
Study on advancing fisheries assessment and management advice in the Mediterranean by aligning biological and management units of priority species MED_UNITs: final report 64
Attenuation and Dispersion of Elastic Waves in Porous Rocks: Mechanisms and models 57
Wave Fields in Real Media. Theory and numerical simulation of wave propagation in anisotropic, anelastic, porous and electromagnetic media, fourth edition 57
Developing a Maritime Spatial Plan for the Adriatic-Ionian Region 52
The Italian Fixed-point Observatory Network for marine environmental monitoring – IFON – State of the art and updates during the Italian flagship project RITMARE (2012 – 2016) 47
Marine litter database. Lessons learned in compiling the first pan-European beach litter database 45
PRESS40:PREvenzione Sismica nella Scuola a 40 anni dal terremoto del Friuli. Resoconto di un'esperienza sismologica. 45
Calibration Study. Experimental survey acquisition ASIL 45
Sintesi delle conoscenze sulle faglie attive in Italia Centrale: parametrizzazione ai fini della caratterizzazione della pericolosità sismica 43
La rete scientifica italiana di siti fissi per l'osservazione del mare – IFON. 42
Rapporto tecnico scientifico conclusivo, Convenzione Strategia Marina 2021, Accordo di collaborazione scientifica tra ISPRA e OGS nell’ambito dello studio sulle tematiche della Strategia Marina ai fini del conseguimento degli obiettivi prioritari della direttiva 2008/56/CE, come recepita dal D.Lgs. 190/2010 (CUP F85B18006490001, Atto OGS n. 30 ADW del 21/07/2021), Parte 1, Descrittore 5 - Eutrofizzazione 42
La microzonazione sismica dell’area urbana di Umbertide. Regione Umbria, Servizio Geologico e Sismico, e Comune di Umbertide 41
Working Group on Multispecies Assessment Methods (WGSAM) 41
Next Generation European Research Vessels Current Status and Foreseeable Evolution 40
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000, Foglio 554 “Crucoli” 39
Monitoraggio ed ottimizzazione del traffico su reti Lan e Wan 37
Tesi di Dottorato di Ricerca - Integrazione di metodologie geofisiche, geomorfologiche, sedimentologiche e geochimiche, per la definizione della genesi e dell’età degli affioramenti rocciosi presenti sul fondale marino dell’ Adriatico settentrionale. 37
World Atlas of Submarine Gas Hydrates in Continental Margins 36
CESM 1.0.5 near past initial conditions user guide: prescribing ice sheets 35
ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC - Mission, Strategy and Action Plan 33
Long-term safety of a planned geological repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark – estimate of maximum ice sheet thicknesses, ISSN 1404- 0344 33
Rapporto tecnico scientifico intermedio, Convenzione Strategia Marina, Accordo di collaborazione scientifica tra ISPRA e OGS nell’ambito dello studio sulle tematiche della Strategia Marina ai fini del conseguimento degli obiettivi prioritari della direttiva 2008/56/CE, come recepita dal D.Lgs. 190/2010, Parte 1, Descrittore 5 - Eutrofizzazione 32
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000, Foglio 562 “Cirò” 32
Aplicação do correntômetroacústico ADCP em ambientes marinhos e estuarinos do Ceará e Paraíba –Nordeste do Brasi 32
Wave fields in real media: Wave propagation in anisotropic, anelastic porous and electromagnetic media 31
Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota 30
Sostenibilità della mitilicoltura Triestina 30
Long-term safety of a planned geological repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark, Sweden and Olkiluoto, Finland. Phase 2: impact of ice sheet dynamics, climate forcing and multi-variate sensitivity analysis on maximum ice sheet thickness 29
Are decadal variations of Adriatic thermohaline properties related in the Eastern Mediterranean Transient (EMT)? 29
Marine geohazards in the Mediterranean: Executive Summary 29
Modeling sea level changes and geodetic variations by glacial isostasy: the improved SELEN code 29
Dai ghiacci allo spazio. La storia dell’Ufficiale di Marina Carl Weyprecht e del suo progetto di ricerca scientifica internazionale 28
Thermohaline Variability and Mesoscale Dynamics Observed at the Deep-Ocean Observatory E2M3A in the Southern Adriatic Sea 28
Set-up of a pre-operational, high-resolution numerical model for the Gulf of Trieste 28
Carta del Sottosuolo della Pianura Friulana 28
Submarine glacial landforms on the cold East Antarctic margin 28
SeaHellarc Project – WP4 (Work Package 4). Seismic Reflection Profiling – Geological Structure – Tectonic, June 2008 28
Proposition de campagne à la mer, Flotte Océanographique Française, Appel d'offre 2018 : Multi-disciplinary investigation of fluid venting from gas hydrate system in the Nile deep-sea fan (SEAGAL) 28
Seismic while drilling Fundamentals of drill-bit seismic for exploration 27
Progetto e realizzazione di un cluster di calcolatori SSI (Single System Image) 27
GRenoble Ice-Shelf and Land-Ice model: a practical user guide 27
CESM 1.0.2 Near Past Initial Conditions User Guide: Prescribing Ice Sheets 26
EGU2012 SM1.3/GI1.7 session: "Improving seismic networks performances: from site selection to data integration" 26
Antarctic Ice Sheet dynamics during the Late Oligocene and Early Miocene: climatic conundrums revisited 25
Sistemi di storage in rete: implementazione di un sistema di backup centralizzato 25
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d’Italia alla scala 1:50.000, Foglio 577 “Isola di Capo Rizzuto”. 24
Progetto MISHA. Metodi Innovativi per la Stima dell'HAzard - Applicazione all'Italia Centrale 24
Report and preliminary results of R/V POSEIDON cruise POS499, Calabrian Mud Volcanoes, Catania (Italy)–Catania (Italy), 04 May–22 May, 2016 23
Long-term safety of a planned geological repository for spent nuclear fuel in Forsmark - estimate of maximum ice sheet thicknesses 22
Seismic and geomorphic records of Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution in the Ross Sea and controlling factors in its behaviour 22
Identification sheets of early life stages of bony fish (Western Libya, Summer 2006) 22
Challenges and Opportunities for the EU Common Fisheries Policy Application in the Mediterranean and Black Sea 21
Seismic exploration of hydrocarbons in heterogeneous reservoirs, New theories, methods and applications 20
D3.3.1 Report on the key oceanographic processes and performance indicators for Natura 2000 marine sites, WP3 – Design of the Ecological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), 3.3 – Identification of key oceanographic processes and performance indicators for Natura 2000 marine site, ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity 20
ADRIPLAN Conclusions and Recommendations: A short manual for MSP implementation in the Adriatic-Ionian Region 20
Proceedings of 41° National Congress of GNGTS - National Group for Solid Earth Geophysics 19
Guidance on the monitoring of marine litter in European seas – An update to improve the harmonised monitoring of marine litter under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive 19
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, 178 19
NESTORE v1.0: A MATLAB based code to forecast strong aftershocks applied to Italian seismicity 18
Past Antarctic ice sheet dynamics ({PAIS}) and implications for future sea-level change 17
Relazione finale sui survey scientifici. Progetto PANACEA. 15
Retrieving Visual Concepts in Image Databases. - Ph.D. Thesis Series, Computer Science 2003/3 15
D4.3.2 Report on the application of the models linking oceanographic processes and management questions, WP4– Establishing the Ecological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), 4.3 – Integration of ecological observing system with Natura 2000 ecological processes, ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity 14
Guidelines for the revision and update of the sub - regional contingency plan for the Adriatic sea 14
Report on Environmental Risk Assessment D.2 .1 13
Conservation et restauration écologique des forêts marines Méditerranéennes 12
Difendersi dal terremoto si può 12
D4.2.2 Report on the application of the conceptual model linking oceanographic processes, performance indicators and management questions for target species, WP4– Establishing the Ecological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), 4.2 – Integration of ecological observing system with Natura 2000 target species, ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity 11
D4.1.2 Report on the relationships between ecosystem-level management goals with ecological variables and oceanographic processes and the performance indicators, WP4 – Establishing the Ecological Observing System in the Adriatic Sea (ECOAdS), A4.1– Characterization of the Natura 2000 study sites, ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity 11
Antarctic Climate Evolution 7
Totale 2.426

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202213 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
2022/2023770 44 6 10 91 78 128 29 82 171 61 62 8
2023/2024883 38 88 29 41 93 67 116 160 44 82 31 94
2024/2025760 25 85 207 160 132 55 96 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.426