4.2 Abstract in Atti di convegno
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.682
AS - Asia 3.038
EU - Europa 2.852
AF - Africa 308
OC - Oceania 38
SA - Sud America 34
Totale 11.952
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.639
IT - Italia 1.639
SG - Singapore 1.550
HK - Hong Kong 1.032
DE - Germania 370
FI - Finlandia 295
SN - Senegal 280
KR - Corea 243
HU - Ungheria 138
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 112
CN - Cina 70
RU - Federazione Russa 44
GB - Regno Unito 40
FR - Francia 38
AU - Australia 32
NL - Olanda 30
CA - Canada 24
IN - India 24
PT - Portogallo 23
TW - Taiwan 21
BR - Brasile 18
BE - Belgio 15
ES - Italia 15
GR - Grecia 15
IR - Iran 15
ID - Indonesia 14
TR - Turchia 13
JP - Giappone 11
RO - Romania 11
CL - Cile 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
DK - Danimarca 9
HN - Honduras 8
CH - Svizzera 7
PH - Filippine 7
PL - Polonia 7
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 6
IE - Irlanda 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
UA - Ucraina 6
AT - Austria 5
DZ - Algeria 5
MX - Messico 5
NO - Norvegia 5
NP - Nepal 5
VN - Vietnam 5
HR - Croazia 4
IL - Israele 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
PK - Pakistan 4
SI - Slovenia 4
AR - Argentina 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CR - Costa Rica 3
CY - Cipro 3
ET - Etiopia 3
MT - Malta 3
NG - Nigeria 3
EC - Ecuador 2
KE - Kenya 2
LY - Libia 2
MA - Marocco 2
MC - Monaco 2
ME - Montenegro 2
MY - Malesia 2
NI - Nicaragua 2
SE - Svezia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
AM - Armenia 1
BW - Botswana 1
CO - Colombia 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MN - Mongolia 1
PA - Panama 1
Totale 11.952
Città #
Chandler 1.650
Boardman 1.334
Singapore 1.104
Hong Kong 979
Trieste 582
Helsinki 292
Dakar 280
Washington 247
Seoul 227
Gorizia 207
Ashburn 188
Piscataway 140
Budapest 138
Acate 117
Olomouc 112
Frankfurt am Main 62
Milan 60
Rome 54
Hanover 50
Central 34
Munich 33
Udine 32
Naples 31
Santa Clara 24
Treviso 22
Venice 21
Melbourne 17
Bologna 16
Des Moines 16
Gunzenhausen 16
Verona 16
Atlanta 15
Florence 15
Coimbra 14
Genoa 14
Boydton 13
Catania 13
Clifton 13
Gelsenkirchen 13
Secaucus 12
Los Angeles 11
Monte Porzio Catone 11
Padova 11
Bonndorf 10
Seattle 10
Bari 9
Brussels 9
Istanbul 9
Ottawa 9
Shanghai 9
Sydney 9
Tehran 9
Athens 8
Beijing 8
Guildford 8
Louisville 8
Palermo 8
Constanța 7
Mozzo 7
Pescara 7
Phoenix 7
Tortora 7
Corpus Christi 6
Cosenza 6
Ejby 6
Johannesburg 6
Kolkata 6
Pordenone 6
Reggio Emilia 6
Santiago 6
Turin 6
Vicenza 6
Buffalo 5
Falkenstein 5
Forest City 5
Jakarta 5
Kathmandu 5
Mountain View 5
Perugia 5
Vigasio 5
Altamura 4
Arezzo 4
Bingen am Rhein 4
Bordeaux 4
Busan 4
Cambridge 4
Cavedine 4
Codroipo 4
Colorado Springs 4
Dubai 4
Faro 4
Ferrara 4
Greifswald 4
Guangzhou 4
Guaruja 4
Guarujá 4
Jeju City 4
Pisa 4
Pozzuolo del Friuli 4
Rimouski 4
Totale 8.594
Nome #
Engaging with the public: the experience of MareDireFare a new science&art festival to promote the Ocean Decade 259
Assessing oil spill risks in transboundary areas: the importance of science - policy dialogue 126
Panarea ECCSEL NatLab-Italy: A unique natural laboratory for research on climate change and CO2 geological storage 111
Active tectonics and potential seismogenic behavior of newly imaged structures in the Gulf of Santa Eufemia (southern Italy) 98
Geophysical evidence for mud volcanism associated with the gas hydrate system in the western Ross Sea: a source of methane flux from the lithosphere to the hydrosphere and atmosphere as a greenhouse effect and climate change 94
Antarctic ice sheet re-advance during the Antarctic Cold Reversal identified in the Western Ross Sea (Antarctica) 91
Massive settlements of the alien oyster Isognomon bicolor, rapidly spreading in Mediterranean 77
A feasibility study on the near real-time calculation of the complete seismic moment tensor of the Etna Seismicity: application to the earthquakes occurred during the December 2018 eruption 67
Variazioni dell’acidità, del sistema carbonatico e dell’attività batterica in acque costiere nord adriatiche. 59
Mediterranean ocean Forecasting System: Toward Environmental Predictions - (MFSTEP) 57
La risposta delle associazioni a foraminiferi all’acidificazione delle acque: il caso dell’isola di Panarea (Arcipelago delle Isole Eolie, Mar Tirreno) 54
Earthquake tomography integrated with gravity data: an application from NE-Italy. 52
Ecological Impact, Economic Value and Sustainability of Mussel Farming in the Gulf of Trieste. 49
2011Seismic imaging of the polar oceans: a new contribution to oceanography. 49
Application of template matching for earthquake detection of seismic activity in Castanhão Reservoir, NE Brazil 49
Source Parameters of the weak seismicity occurred close to the Collato gas storage (Northeastern Italy). 46
Valutazione integrata dell’impatto delle molluschicolture sull’ecosistema costiero del Golfo di Trieste 45
Broadside wavefields in horizontal helically-wound optical fiber and hydrophone streamer 45
You are what you eat: stable isotope signature of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in Panarea hydrothermal vents 44
New evidences of the interplay between a turbidite canyon (Guadiaro canyon, NW Alboran Sea) and current-driven along slope processes 44
Approaching the potential seismogenic source of the 8 september 1905 earthquake: New geophysical, geological and biochemical data from the S. Eufemia Gulf (S Italy) 43
MARCA-GEHN, the archive of macroseismic data for four Central America countries 43
Adjoint Parameter Identification of Ecomodels 42
How will climate change affect mercury biogeochemistry in the ocean? Projected changes for the Mediterranean Sea under RCP4. 5 and RCP8. 5 emission scenarios 42
High resolution stratigraphic sequences within the inner Larsen B embayment: seismic imaging within the Crane Glacier (Spillane) Fjord and Hektoria Basin, former Larsen B area, Antarctica 42
Metodologie geofisiche integrate per indagini ad alta e altissima risoluzione 42
Geophysical exploration of the West Sardinian continental margin and Sardo-Provençal oceanic basin (West Mediterranean Sea) 42
Preliminary results from 2017 OGS Explora cruise to the Ross Sea continental slope 42
A new dataset of Wood Anderson magnitude from the Trieste (Italy) seismic station 42
Antarctic phytoplankton communities’ composition determines the carbon metabolism of free-living prokariotes while sinking to the ocean interior 42
Un approccio per la definizione dello stato di qualità ambientale di un sito fortemente antropizzato secondo la Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 41
Building a 3D structural-geophysical model in Emilia-Romagna region (Italy) for earthquake numerical modeling 41
Impact of the drill-bit seismic method on explorative wells 41
Attività neotettonica e migrazione di fluidi nel Golfo di Trieste 40
High-resolution seismological data of the Collalto seismic network reveals the deep geometry of the Montello blind thrust (Northeast Italy). 40
The Mediterranean Sea biogeochemistry at mesoscale: lessons from the coupled MITgcm-BFM model simulation 40
The CADEAU directive-oriented downstream coastal service: integration of the Italian water quality dataset and a model downscaling of the Mediterranean CMEMS 40
Monitoring an underground gas storage in a seismic area: the case of Collalto (Northeastern Italy) 39
BSR in the Ionian Sea? 39
Esperienze di gestione degli Open Data negli Enti pubblici di Ricerca 38
The Odyssea contourite drift system (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 38
Improving marine biogeochemical forecasts through data assimilation of BGC-Argo float data 38
A multidisciplinary approach to the 8 September 1905 earthquake study (offshore Eastern Calabria), the ISTEGE project 38
The newly discovered Odyssea Drift (Ross Sea): preliminary results 38
Mud Volcanoes, olistostromes and argile scagliose 38
Deep-water coral communities in the Otranto Channel revealed by gravity cores and acoustic methods during a 2011 R/V OGS Explora survey 38
Geometry and seismogenic behavior of the Montello blind thrust (Southeastern Alps, Italy) unveiled by a high-resolution seismic network. 38
Different approaches for generating ground shaking maps in near field: a case study in the Friuli region. 38
Moment magnitude for weak earthquakes in the Mt. Etna volcano area 37
A radon anomaly in soil gas at Cazzaso, NE Italy, as a precursor of ML=5.1 earthquake 37
Influence of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on benthic communities in four lagoons of the Po delta system: focus on free-living nematodes and foraminifera 37
Effetti fisici e biologioci sulla variabilità del pH e del sistema carbonatico nel golfo di Trieste. 37
Misure di velocità P ed SH in pozzo nell’alta pianura friulana 37
CO2 storage potential of deep saline aquifers: the case of Italy 37
The BIOPTIMOD Project: Integration Of Novel Satellite And In Situ Optical Observations In CMEMS Biogeochemical Models 37
Acquisizione dati al Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche dell’Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale - OGS 36
Shallow hydrothermal vents: natural laboratories for global environmental change research. 36
Distribuzione spazio-temporale dei terremoti registrati nel vallone bellunese 36
High-sensitivity seismic monitoring of the Collalto gas storage (Northern Italy) shows no induced seismicity 36
Seismological analyses aimed at 3rd level seismic microzonation of the 138 municipalities damaged by the 2016-2017 seismic sequence in central Italy. 36
BSR versus climate change: example of peri-antarctic regions 36
Acoustic and electromagnetic properties of soils saturated with salt water and contaminants 36
Seismic imaging in support of scientific drilling in the Mediterranean Salt Giant 36
Anomalous aspects of the eddy saturation regime in the Southern Ocean 36
DPSIR (Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impact-Response) model applied to two Sicilian transitional areas to a better management 35
How physical properties can unveil the biological processes in the water column: a multi-platform study of the extreme bloom of Rhizostoma pulmo jellyfish in the Gulf of Trieste 35
A Kinematic Approach to Calculate Seismic Hazard Scenarios 35
How can the BiOS and the mesoscale structures influence the flux of Atlantic Water in the central Mediterranean Sea? 35
Phytoplankton blooming off the Tyrrhenian coastal site: comparison between in situ observations and CMEMS MEDSEA products 35
Dynamic and Ecological Role of Mussel Farms in a Mediterranean Coastal Area. 35
Preliminary data on recent benthic foraminiferal assemblages from shallow water hydrothermal environment in the Aeolian Arc (Tyrrhenian Sea) 34
Sedimentary mélanges and fossil mass-transport complexes: a key for better understanding submarine mass movements? 34
Integrated non-invasive characterization of waste disposal site 34
Active tectonics in the Messina Straits and surroundings: preliminary results from the TAORMINA-2006 seismic cruise 34
Reanalysis of biogeochemical properties in the Mediterranean Sea 34
Contributo sismologico dell’OGS al progetto sismologico S4, in: I progetti sismologici finanziati dal Dipartimento di Protezione Civile: ricerca di base e concrete applicazioni 34
Il Centro Nazionale Dati Oceanografici nella rete europea dei NODC. 34
A lagrangian view of the Eastern Mediterranean surface circulation over the last two decades 34
Understanding conduit dynamics and forecasting major strombolian explosions by ground-based radar interferometry 33
Cenozoic tectonic evolution and neotectonic analysis on geophysical data at the northeastern edge of Adria-Europe continental margin, Gulf of Trieste (NE Adriatic Sea) 33
Dual-Signal Processing of DAS-VSP Data of the Kizildere Geothermal Field 33
Permanent ground displacement for dip slip faulting: a modelling approach 33
Sismica a riflessione offshore rielaborata in chiave oceanografica. 33
Caratterizzazione del popolamento fitoplanctonico nei bacini occidentale e orientale del Mediterraneo 33
Climatology of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in a changing Adriatic Sea. 33
Eutrophication and contaminant data management for EU marine policies: the EMODnet Chemistry infrastructure 33
Plio-Quaternary mass wasting processes along the Ionian Calabrian margin 33
An application to integrate bathymetric and other dataset to study gas hydrates reservoir. 33
Rapid denudation of West Antarctica during the Early-Middle Miocene 33
A geomorphological map of the Enarete seamount 33
Physical modelling and numerical simulation of a shallow magmatic-hydrothermal explosion: pyroclastic density currents generation and ballistic ejection during the 13th century “Breccia di Commenda” eruption (Vulcano island, Italy) 33
Tracking Late Quaternary ice sheet dynamics by multi-proxy detrital mineral U-Pb analysis: A case study from the Odyssea contourite, Ross Sea, Antarctica 32
Integration of BGC-Argo and the Mediterranean BGC forecast system: new developments of the oxygen data quality assessment and assimilation 32
Validation of a 3D geological model for the numerical simulation of earthquake ground motion in Emilia (Italy) 32
Long-term oceanographic variability of the South Adriatic Gyre (Mediterranean Sea) and a large-scale climate pattern 32
Subsurface (350m) circulation in the Mediterranean Sea based on Argo data 32
Trophic NPZD model dynamics of the Mediterranean Sea with a bio-data assimilation 32
Totale 4.455

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022241 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 223
2022/20234.068 196 18 43 527 374 723 50 331 1.015 306 392 93
2023/20244.968 178 427 99 410 439 549 532 824 341 480 163 526
2024/20253.045 101 170 1.125 918 675 56 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 12.322