Lucchi, Renata Giulia
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.436
EU - Europa 769
AS - Asia 684
AF - Africa 84
SA - Sud America 5
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 2.980
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.428
IT - Italia 500
SG - Singapore 350
HK - Hong Kong 174
FI - Finlandia 113
DE - Germania 102
SN - Senegal 82
CN - Cina 70
KR - Corea 70
GB - Regno Unito 9
IN - India 9
NL - Olanda 8
NO - Norvegia 8
CA - Canada 7
HU - Ungheria 7
FR - Francia 5
LK - Sri Lanka 5
AT - Austria 3
BE - Belgio 3
CO - Colombia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
AU - Australia 2
BR - Brasile 2
HR - Croazia 2
IE - Irlanda 2
AM - Armenia 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CM - Camerun 1
ES - Italia 1
IL - Israele 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MT - Malta 1
MX - Messico 1
PL - Polonia 1
RO - Romania 1
SE - Svezia 1
TR - Turchia 1
Totale 2.980
Città #
Chandler 431
Boardman 289
Singapore 251
Trieste 249
Hong Kong 168
Helsinki 113
Dakar 82
Gorizia 80
Washington 76
Piscataway 63
Seoul 56
Ashburn 37
Castel Maggiore 33
Acate 32
Rome 14
Frankfurt am Main 13
Bonndorf 12
Santa Clara 10
Hanover 9
Budapest 7
Udine 7
Atlanta 6
Bologna 6
Milan 6
Gunzenhausen 5
Spinea 5
Gelsenkirchen 4
Pisa 4
Southampton 4
Treviso 4
Barranquilla 3
Bergen 3
Central 3
Clifton 3
Dartmouth 3
Elkton 3
Jinan 3
London 3
Nocera Superiore 3
North Bergen 3
Ottawa 3
Venice 3
Vigasio 3
Vittoria 3
Alessandria 2
Brussels 2
Buffalo 2
Castions di Strada 2
Cisterna di Latina 2
Dalian 2
Dallas 2
Dublin 2
Fuzhou 2
Genoa 2
Islamabad 2
Ivanić-Grad 2
Meppel 2
Mozzo 2
Palakkad 2
Palermo 2
Paola 2
Patna 2
Phoenix 2
Rajkot 2
Roubaix 2
San Francisco 2
San Giorgio della Richinvelda 2
San Giovanni Lupatoto 2
Seattle 2
Seo-gu 2
Shijiazhuang 2
Stavanger 2
São Paulo 2
Taiyuan 2
Tromsø 2
Vienna 2
Wanchai 2
Albairate 1
Amsterdam 1
Baoding 1
Bardolino 1
Beijing 1
Blacksburg 1
Bordeaux 1
Boston 1
Brent 1
Busdorf 1
Cesena 1
Chengdu 1
Chicago 1
Chongqing 1
Cittadella 1
Dottingen 1
Ferrara 1
Haikou 1
Handan 1
Hangzhou 1
Huzhou 1
Hyderabad 1
Innsbruck 1
Totale 2.207
Nome #
Focus on glaciers: a geo-photo exposition of vanishing beauty 65
Accordo attuativo di collaborazione per la realizzazione della cartografia dell’area sommersa della Carta Geologica ufficiale d’Italia dei Fogli geologici n.110 Trieste, n. 131 Caresana. Consegna della Banca Dati Geologica georiferita e del prodotto cartografico nella versione Originale d’Autore alla scala 1:25.000. 60
Mud volcanoes and Coral mounds related to gas seepages in the Otranto Channel - South Adriatic Sea. 51
Ricostruzioni paleoambientali e paleoclimatiche e Processi sedimentari post-LGM sul margine continentale del Mare di Barents Nord-Occidentale. 48
GAUSS project – Geophysical Appraisal for Underwater fluid Seepage from Seabed in the Gulf of Trieste, onboard the RV Laura Bassi - Cruise Report 44
Vulcani di fango e strutture coralline associate a evidenze gassose in Canale d’Otranto - Adriatico Meridionale. Mud volcanoes and Coral mounds related to gas seepages in the Otranto Channel - South Adriatic Sea. 44
Accordo attuativo di collaborazione per la realizzazione della cartografia dell’area sommersa della Carta Geologica ufficiale d’Italia dei Fogli geologici n.110 “Trieste”, n. 131 “Caresana”. Relazione primo anno di attività 43
Accordo attuativo di collaborazione tra il Servizio geologico della Direzione centrale difesa dell’ambiente, energia e sviluppo sostenibile e l'OGS per la realizzazione della cartografia dell’area sommersa del CARG Fogli 110 Trieste e 131 Caresana. 42
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and environmental drivers along the Kveithola Trough (NW Barents Sea). 42
A new multi-proxy investigation of Late Quaternary palaeoenvironments along the north-western Barents Sea (Storfjorden Trough Mouth Fan) 42
The Odyssea contourite drift system (Ross Sea, Antarctica) 41
Late Pleistocene oceanographic and depositional variations along the Wilkes Land margin (East Antarctica) reconstructed with geochemical proxies in deep-sea sediments 40
Bottom current control on sediment deposition between the Iselin Bank and the Hillary Canyon (Antarctica) since the late Miocene: An integrated seismic-oceanographic approach 40
Buried iceberg-keel scouring on the southern Spitsbergenbanken, NW Barents Sea 39
A High‐Resolution Geomagnetic Relative Paleointensity Record From the Arctic Ocean Deep‐Water Gateway Deposits During the Last 60 kyr 39
Integrated reconstruction of ice sheet dynamics during Late Quaternary Arctic climatic transitions, IRIDYA, Cruise Report 38
Sedimentary Processes and Glacial Cycles on the Sediment Drifts of the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin: Preliminary Results of SEDANO-II Project 38
Geochemical signatures of intense episodic anaerobic oxidation of methane in near-surface sediments of a recently discovered cold seep (Kveithola trough, NW Barents Sea) 38
Biostratigraphic Characterisation and Quaternary Microfossil Palaeoecology during Glacial-Interglacial Deposition on Sediment Drifts West of the Antarctic Peninsula: Results from SEDANO Project 38
The newly discovered Odyssea Drift (Ross Sea): preliminary results 38
Deep Flow Variability Offshore South-West Svalbard (Fram Strait) 37
EGLACOM cruise on the southern Svalbard margin: preliminary results from sedimentary cores 37
Onset and growth of Trough-Mouth Fans on the North-Western Barents Sea margin - implications for the evolution of the Barents Sea/Svalbard Ice Sheet 35
Biostratigraphic Characterization and Quaternary Microfossil Palaeoecology in Sediment Drifts West of the Antarctic Peninsula - Implications for Cyclic Glacial-Interglacial Deposition 35
Postglacial sedimentary processes on the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough mouth fans: Significance of extreme glacimarine sedimentation 35
One Million Years of Climatic Generated Landslide Events on the Northwestern Barents Sea Continental Margin 35
Tracking Late Quaternary ice sheet dynamics by multi-proxy detrital mineral U-Pb analysis: A case study from the Odyssea contourite, Ross Sea, Antarctica 34
Fluid flow and pore pressure development throughout the evolution of a trough mouth fan, western Barents Sea 34
Interplay of grounding-line dynamics and sub-shelf melting during retreat of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream 34
A stacked record of relative geomagnetic paleointensity for the past 270 kyr from the western continental rise of the Antarctic Peninsula 34
Marine sedimentary record of Meltwater Pulse 1a in the NW Barents Sea continental margin 34
Climate-controlled submarine landslides on the Antarctic continental margin 33
Geomorphology and development of a high-latitude channel system: the INBIS channel case (NW Barents Sea, Arctic) 33
Recognizing key sedimentary facies and their distribution in mixed turbidite–contourite depositional systems: The case of the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula 33
Multiproxy investigation of the last 2,000 years BP marine paleoenvironmental record along the western Spitsbergen margin 32
Svalbard ice-sheet decay after the Last Glacial Maximum: new insights from micropalaeontological and organic biomarker paleoceanographical reconstructions. 32
Late Quaternary development of the Storfjorden and Kveithola Trough Mouth Fans, northwestern Barents Sea 32
Seabed morphology and shallow sedimentary structure of the Storfjorden and Kveithola trough-mouth fans (North West Barents Sea) 31
Simulated last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet primarily driven by oceanic conditions 31
Grain-size analysis and distribution in Cascadia Margin sediments, northern Pacific 31
Benthic Foraminifera and Productivity Regimes in the Kveithola Trough (Barents Sea)—Ecological Implications in a Changing Arctic and Actuopaleontological Meaning 30
A Holocene paleosecular variation record from the north-western Barents Sea continental margin 30
Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea) 30
Glacial contourites on the Antarctic Peninsula margin: Insight for palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic conditions 30
Bottom Currents in a Stagnant Environment (BUSTER) 29
Gas seepages related to deep features in the Otranto Channel (South Adriatic Sea) - OCSS15 project 29
Multi-proxy analysis of Late Quaternary ODYSSEA Contourite Depositional System (Ross Sea, Antarctica) and the depositional record of contour current and cold, dense waters 29
Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism from sediments along a continental shelf-to-slope transect in the NW Barents Sea: Implications for geomagnetic and depositional changes during the past 15 thousand years 29
Mud volcanoes along the inner deformation front of the Calabrian Arc accretionary wedge (Ionian Sea) 29
Recent submarine landslides on the continental slope of Storfjorden and Kveithola Trough-Mouth Fans (north west Barents Sea) 29
Project EASTMED - Core Logging LAB analysis report 28
Sediment Provenance and Turbidity Current Processes at the Lametini Seamounts and Stromboli Canyon, SE Tyrrhenian Sea 28
Glacimarine sedimentary processes on a high-latitude neogene-quaternary sediment drift: geological investigations on the Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin 28
Late Quaternary transgressions and regressions in the Trieste Gulf (north-eastern Adriatic Sea) 27
Sedimentary model for mixed depositional systems along the Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula: decoding the interplay of deep-water processes 27
Analysis of a new micropalaeontological record from the southern margin of the Svalbard Archipelago (Arctic Ocean): preliminary results and palaeoceanographic implications 27
Trough-Mouth fan development and submarine landslides on the north-western Barents Sea continental margin: the history of the last million year from high resolution multichannel seismic reflection profiles 27
Sedimentary processes in the Stromboli submarine canyon and Marsili Basin, SE Tyrrhenian Sea: results from deep towed sidescan sonar 26
1 Ma paleoclimatic record from the Eastern Mediterranean - Marflux project: First results of a micropaleontological and sedimentological investigation of a long piston core from the Calabrian Ridge 26
Quaternary contourite drifts of the Western Spitsbergen margin 26
Circum-Antarctic warming events between 3.4 and 3.7 Ma recorded in sediments from Prydz Bay (ODP Leg 188) and the Antarctic Peninsula (ODP Leg 178) 26
Olimpi mud volcano area (Study area 2): bottom sampling 25
Sedimentary processes on the Wilkes Land continental rise reflect changes in glacial dynamic and bottom water flow 25
Ice-margin retreat and grounding-zone dynamics during initial deglaciation of the Storfjordrenna Ice Stream, western Barents Sea 25
Algero-Provencal Basin (Study area 3): Bottom sampling 25
Discovery of mud diapirism on the Mediterranean Ridge. A preliminary report 25
Grounding-zone wedges and mega-scale glacial lineations in Kveithola Trough, Barents Sea 25
Piston cores from the Wilkes Land Rise: Data and Considerations 25
Post LGM sedimentary processes and evolution of the Storfjorden trough-mouth fan (NW Barents Sea) 25
Geomagnetic palaeosecular variation around 15 ka ago from NW Barents Sea cores (south of Svalbard) 25
Present and past flow regime on contourite drifts west of Spitsbergen (PREPARED) 24
DEFROST (DEep Flow Regime Off SpiTsbegen) Cruise Report 24
Pattern and timing of the northwestern Barents Sea Ice Sheet deglaciation and indications of episodic Holocene deposition 24
Eratosthenes Seamount (Study area 3): bottom sampling 24
Thin-skined and giant submarine landslides on the southern Storfjorden Trough Mouth Fan (Barents Sea). 24
Mid-late pleistocene glacimarine sedimentary processes of a high-latitude, deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin) 23
Patterns and environmental drivers of diversity and community composition of macrofauna in the Kveithola Trough (NW Barents Sea) 23
Drilling glacial deposits in offshore polar regions 23
Palaeoclimatic changes in Kveithola, Svalbard, during the Late Pleistocene deglaciation and Holocene: Evidences from microfossil and sedimentary records 23
Living and dead foraminiferal assemblages of the last decades from Kveithola Trough: Taphonomic processes and ecological highlights 22
Stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Mediterranean Ridge diapiric belt 22
Plio-Quaternary sedimentation on the Wilkes Land continental rise 22
Reconstruction of the Virtual Geomagnetic Pole (VGP) path at high latitude for the last 22 kyr: The role of radial field flux patches as VGP attractor 21
Erratum to: Interplay of grounding-line dynamics and sub-shelf melting during retreat of the Bjørnøyrenna Ice Stream (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (7196), 10.1038/s41598-018-25664-6) 21
Plio-Quaternary sedimentation on the Wilkes land continental rise: Preliminary results 21
Mediterranean megaturbidite triggered by the AD 365 cretan earthquake and tsunami 21
Extreme depositional events on the NW-Barents Sea continental margin 21
Erratum: Mid-late glacimarine sedimentary processes of a high-latitude, deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific margin) (Marine Geology (2002) 189 (343-370) pii: S002532270200470X) 19
A refined age calibrated paleosecular variation and relative paleointensity stack for the NW Barents Sea: Implication for geomagnetic field behavior during the Holocene 18
Tyrrhenian Sea (Study area 2): bottom sampling 18
The present and past bottom-current flow regime around the sediment drifts on the continental rise west of the Antarctic Peninsula 18
Mid-late Pleistocene glacimarine sedimentary processes of high-latitude, deep-sea sediment drift (Antarctic Peninsula Pacific Margin) 17
Upslope turbiditic sedimentation on the Southeastern Flank of the Mediterranean Ridge 17
Volcanic time-markers for Marine Isotopic Stages 6 and 5 in Southern Ocean sediments and Antarctic ice cores: implications for tephra correlations between palaeoclimatic records 17
Simulated last deglaciation of the Barents Sea Ice Sheet primarily driven by oceanic conditions Ab 16
Spatial Changes in Gas Transport and Sediment Stiffness Influenced by Regional Stress: Observations From Piezometer Data Along Vestnesa Ridge, Eastern Fram Strait 15
Modern sedimentation patterns and human impacts on the Barcelona continental shelf (NE Spain) 15
Slope instability of glaciated continental margins: Constraints from permeability-compressibility tests and hydrogeological modeling off Storfjorden, NW Barents Sea 14
TriGgeR mechanisms of Antarctic ice sheet INStability across the Plio-pLeistocene trAnsitIoN - GRAINSPLAIN project 13
Accordo attuativo di collaborazione per la realizzazione della cartografia dell’area sommersa della Carta Geologica ufficiale d’Italia dei Fogli geologici n. 110 “Trieste”, n. 131 “Caresana” * 12
Totale 2.949
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.038
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 23.038

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 42
2022/20231.106 44 43 14 129 108 172 8 90 263 109 113 13
2023/20241.110 28 122 14 72 158 119 61 158 105 119 11 143
2024/2025749 32 26 243 215 150 83 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.022