Giustiniani, Michela
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.974
AS - Asia 889
EU - Europa 695
AF - Africa 109
SA - Sud America 13
OC - Oceania 6
Totale 3.686
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.969
SG - Singapore 522
IT - Italia 433
HK - Hong Kong 266
DE - Germania 113
SN - Senegal 107
FI - Finlandia 89
KR - Corea 49
CN - Cina 35
SI - Slovenia 14
CL - Cile 9
NL - Olanda 8
BE - Belgio 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
PL - Polonia 6
AT - Austria 4
CA - Canada 4
FR - Francia 4
GB - Regno Unito 4
IE - Irlanda 4
TW - Taiwan 4
BR - Brasile 3
IR - Iran 3
PT - Portogallo 3
DK - Danimarca 2
ES - Italia 2
TR - Turchia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
CO - Colombia 1
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 1
EG - Egitto 1
GR - Grecia 1
IL - Israele 1
IN - India 1
JP - Giappone 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
Totale 3.686
Città #
Chandler 605
Boardman 457
Singapore 366
Hong Kong 263
Trieste 180
Dakar 107
Washington 93
Helsinki 89
Gorizia 62
Piscataway 62
Seoul 49
Ashburn 44
Acate 30
Hanover 17
Frankfurt am Main 16
Bologna 15
Atlanta 14
Udine 12
Ljubljana 11
Gunzenhausen 9
Milan 9
Forest City 6
Katowice 6
Corpus Christi 5
Gelsenkirchen 5
Rome 5
Santiago 5
Venice 5
Bonndorf 4
Clifton 4
Naples 4
New Taipei 4
Palermo 4
Sankt Augustin 4
Santa Clara 4
Vigasio 4
Amstelveen 3
Auckland 3
Brescia 3
Castel Maggiore 3
Chieti 3
Dublin 3
Foggia 3
Guangzhou 3
Hasselt 3
Kranj 3
Liège 3
Tappahannock 3
Toronto 3
Vienna 3
Alleghe 2
Aveiro 2
Cincinnati 2
Cividale del Friuli 2
Florence 2
Giussano 2
Leeds 2
Los Angeles 2
Mestre 2
Monfalcone 2
Munich 2
North Charleston 2
Phoenix 2
Pordenone 2
Prineville 2
Serra San Bruno 2
Trabzon 2
Treviso 2
Turin 2
Utrecht 2
Wellington 2
Zero Branco 2
Amsterdam 1
Ashgabat 1
Athens 1
Bagnolet 1
Banha 1
Barcelona 1
Bardolino 1
Barzanò 1
Beijing 1
Bertiolo 1
Bogotá 1
Brusciano 1
Central 1
Cittadella 1
Colombo 1
Cormons 1
Dalian 1
Dallas 1
Delhi 1
Dongguan 1
Dottingen 1
Dubai 1
Dushanbe 1
Fort Worth 1
Foshan 1
Fuzhou 1
Galway 1
Gretna 1
Totale 2.693
Nome #
Dinaric tectonic features in the Gulf of Trieste(Northern Adriatic Sea) 81
Cenozoic seismic stratigraphy and tectonic evolution of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic) 54
United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021 – 2030) - Arctic Action Plan 53
Capo Granitola-Sciacca Fault Zone (Sicilian Channel, Central Mediterranean): Structure vs magmatism 51
Ricostruzioni paleoambientali e paleoclimatiche e Processi sedimentari post-LGM sul margine continentale del Mare di Barents Nord-Occidentale. 48
Seismic methods for aquifer analysis: the Basso Livenza case study 47
Distribution of the gas hydrate stability zone in the Ross Sea, Antarctica 45
Characterisation of shallow aquifers by 2D high-resolution seismic data analysis 43
Dinaric tectonic features in the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) 41
A crustal seismic profile across Sicily 40
Arctic Ocean Gas Hydrate Stability Versus Changing Climate 40
BSR in the Ionian Sea? 39
Meso-Cenozoic seismic stratigraphy and the tectonic setting of the Gulf of Trieste (northern Adriatic) 37
Geophysical and Geological Views of Potential Water Resources in the North-Eastern Adriatic Sea 36
BSR versus climate change: example of peri-antarctic regions 36
Aerial Drone Imaging in Alongshore Marine Ecosystems: Small-Scale Detection of a Coastal Spring System in the North-Eastern Adriatic Sea 35
Geophysical methods for environmental studies 35
Wave equation datuming applied to marine OBS data and to land high resolution seismic profiling 34
A cold seep triggered by a hot ridge subduction 34
Legacy DSDP and ODP data suggest a paradigm shift in methane hydrate stability in the Mediterranean Basin 33
3D seismic data for shallow aquifers characterisation 33
An Overview of Mud Volcanoes Associated to Gas Hydrate System 33
A Crustal seismic profile across Sicily (Italy): Preliminary results 33
An application to integrate bathymetric and other dataset to study gas hydrates reservoir. 33
Analisi geofisiche in applicazione dei protocolli CAMI LIFE+ e WARBO LIFE+ per la salvaguardia degli acquiferi di interesse acquedottistico dell’Alta e Bassa Pianura in destra Tagliamento nell’area compresa tra il fiume Livenza ed il torrente Cellina. Relazione finale 32
Analisi geofisiche in applicazione dei protocolli CAMI LIFE+ e WARBO LIFE+ per la salvaguardia degli acquiferi di interesse acquedottistico dell’Alta e Bassa Pianura in destra Tagliamento nell’area compresa tra il fiume Livenza ed il torrente Cellina. Relazione intermedia. 32
Petro-physical characterization of shallow aquifers by using avo and theoretical approaches 32
Integrated Geophysical Analyses of Shallow-Water Seismic Imaging With Scholte Wave Inversion: The Northern Adriatic Sea Case Study 32
A review of the gas hydrate distribution offshore Chilean margin 32
Imaging subsurface structures using wave equation datuming advanced seismic techniques 32
Geographic Information System: an Application to Gas Hydrate Reservoir 31
Numerical simulation of coupled waves in borehole drilling through a BSR 31
Amplitude-preservedwave equation: An example to image the gas hydrate system 31
Arctic Ocean Gas Hydrate Stability in a Changing Climate 31
Analysis of Geophysical Data to Characterize the Gas Hydrate Reservoir Present along the Continental Margin of the Antarctic Peninsula 31
BSR versus climate change: example of pre-antarctic regions. 31
Wave equation datuming applied to S-wave reflection seismic data 30
The CAMI project: Example of High-resolution seismic survey to study shallow aquifer 30
The gas hydrate: potential future energy for Italy? 29
Gas Hydrate Estimate in an Area of Deformation and High Heat Flow at the Chile Triple Junction 28
A quick-look method for initial evaluation of gas hydrate stability below subaqueous permafrost 28
P and S reflection and P refraction: An integration for characterising shallow subsurface 27
New Geophysical Evidences of Fluid Related Features in the Western Ionian Sea–Part II: Data Interpretation 27
Wave Equation Datuming Applied to Seismic Data in Shallow Water Environment and Post-Critical Water Bottom Reflection 27
Observation of the Main Natural Parameters Influencing the Formation of Gas Hydrates. 27
A crustal seismic profile across Sicily: Preliminary results 27
Time-lapse surface-to-surface GPR measurements to monitor a controlled infiltration experiment 27
Carta del Sottosuolo della Pianura Friulana 27
Analisi geofisiche in applicazione dei protocolli CAMI LIFE+ e WARBO LIFE+ per la salvaguardia degli acquiferi di interesse acquedottistico dell’Alta e Bassa Pianura in destra Tagliamento nell’area compresa tra il fiume Livenza ed il torrente Cellina. Relazione intermedia. Relazione numero 2021/16 Sez. GEO 6 GEOS, 20 marzo 2021. 26
Analisi geofisiche in applicazione dei protocolli CAMI LIFE+ e WARBO LIFE+ per la salvaguardia degli acquiferi di interesse acquedottistico dell’Alta e Bassa Pianura in destra Tagliamento nell’area compresa tra il fiume Livenza ed il torrente Cellina. Relazione numero 2021/60 Sez. GEO 16; 10 agosto 2021. 26
Sicily's fold-thrust belt and slab roll-back: The SI.RI.PRO. seismic crustal transect 26
The challenges of quantifying the carbon stored in Arctic marine gas hydrate 26
Characterization of shallow aquifers by high-resolution seismic data 26
VP versus VS to characterise the shallow subsurface. 26
Gas Hydrate and Free Gas Along the Chilean Continental Margin 26
Surface GPR time-lapse monitoring of hillslope processes 26
Analysis of Geophysical data to characterize Gas Htdrate Reservoir present Offshore the South Shetland Islands 26
Gas hydrate and free gas concentrations from seismic data and theoretical approaches: example of real data 26
Gas hydrate and free gas estimation from seismic analysis offshore Chiloé island (Chile) 25
Gas hydrate: Environmental and climate impacts 25
Gas origin linked to paleo BSR 25
Characterization of fractured rocks as potential CO2 storage: the case of Sulcis Coal Basin, Italy 25
Deep saline aquifers and coal seams as potential sites for the CO2 geological storage in Italy. 25
The CAMI project: high-resolution seismic survey to study shallow aquifer 25
The potential response of the hydrate reservoir in the South Shetland Margin, Antarctic Peninsula, to ocean warming over the 21st century 24
Gas hydrate and mud volcanoes offshore Antarctic Peninsula: A geophysical study 24
Metodologia sismica per lo studio degli acquiferi 24
Gas Hydrates in Antarctica 24
Misure GPR da superficie in time lapse per il monitoraggio di test di irrigazione 24
Seismic data and Geographic Information System: an Application to Gas Hydrate Reservoir 24
Seismic amplitude anomalies realted to fluid migration in the Ionian Sea 24
Characterization of an unconfined aquifer system by high-resolution seismic survey (Osoppo Plain, Italy) 24
Studio preliminare degli acquiferi profondi della Pianura friulana. Convenzione con la Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia dd. 09/12/1999, Rep. 7170, Rapporto Tecnico-Scientifico Finale 24
A note on in situ estimates of sorption using push-pull tests 23
Gas hydrate stability zone in shallow Arctic Ocean in presence of sub-sea permafrost 23
Past and present potential of the Adriatic deep sea sediments to produce methane hydrates 23
Variations in BSR depth due to gas hydrate stability versus pore pressure 23
In Situ Estimates Of Sorption Via Small-Scale Push-Pull Tests: Modelling Issues 23
Deep seismic profiles through the Venetian and Adriatic foreland (Northern Italy) 23
Predictive modeling of shallow tunnel behavior: Leveraging machine learning for maximum convergence displacement estimation 22
Subsurface heat and salts cause exceptionally limited methane hydrate stability in the Mediterranean Basin 22
Monitoring of hydrological hillslope processes via time-lapse ground-penetrating radar 22
Geographycal Information System applied geophysical data to study gas hydrate 22
In Situ Estimates Of Sorption Via Small-Scale Push-Pull Tests: Modelling Issues 22
Example of re-processing of old crustal seismic data applying wave equation dauming 21
OBS data analysis to characterize gas hydrate reservoir in South Shetland margin (Antarctic Peninsula) 21
Progetto SIRIPRO: analisi non convenzionale dei dati sismici 21
On the lack of widespread bottom simulating reflectors in the Mediterranean Basin 20
Gas Hydrate System Offshore Chile 20
Reflection seismic sections across the Geothermal Province of Tuscany from reprocessing CROP profiles. 20
Methodology to quantify gas hydrate presence by using real data and theoretical approaches: Example of application to real cases. 20
Geographic information system: an application to manage geophysical data 20
Acquisizione, elaborazione e interpretazione di nuove linee sismiche ricadenti all'interno del permesso di ricerca 19
Potential Water Resources in the North-Eastern Adriatic Sea 19
Artificial intelligence applications for accurate geothermal temperature prediction in the lower Friulian Plain (north-eastern Italy) 19
OBS Data Analysis to Quantify Gas Hydrate and Free Gas in the South Shetland Margin (Antarctica) 19
Characterization of the shallow aquifers by high-resolution seismic data 19
The Mesozoic carbonate platform and the “Flysch” sequence in the gulf of Trieste 19
Totale 2.897
Categoria #
all - tutte 31.002
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 31.002

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/202254 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 50
2022/20231.406 73 24 12 176 130 253 4 119 333 132 136 14
2023/20241.316 42 154 24 130 177 66 79 224 93 141 22 164
2024/2025995 38 47 367 281 195 65 2 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.771