2 Contributo in Volume
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.631
AS - Asia 2.214
EU - Europa 1.841
AF - Africa 296
SA - Sud America 33
OC - Oceania 20
Totale 9.035
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.594
IT - Italia 1.129
SG - Singapore 1.049
HK - Hong Kong 823
SN - Senegal 271
FI - Finlandia 250
DE - Germania 242
KR - Corea 166
CN - Cina 78
GB - Regno Unito 56
IN - India 33
ES - Italia 29
FR - Francia 28
NL - Olanda 18
RU - Federazione Russa 18
CA - Canada 16
MX - Messico 16
AU - Australia 14
BR - Brasile 12
IE - Irlanda 12
MA - Marocco 12
IL - Israele 11
NO - Norvegia 10
ZA - Sudafrica 10
AR - Argentina 9
BE - Belgio 9
CL - Cile 9
JP - Giappone 9
TR - Turchia 9
HR - Croazia 8
TW - Taiwan 8
PK - Pakistan 7
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
PH - Filippine 6
HN - Honduras 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 4
GR - Grecia 4
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
CH - Svizzera 3
ID - Indonesia 3
IR - Iran 3
AT - Austria 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CO - Colombia 2
MC - Monaco 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PL - Polonia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
MM - Myanmar 1
MY - Malesia 1
PE - Perù 1
RO - Romania 1
SI - Slovenia 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 9.035
Città #
Chandler 1.469
Boardman 887
Hong Kong 811
Singapore 710
Trieste 384
Dakar 271
Helsinki 248
Washington 211
Ashburn 186
Gorizia 176
Seoul 134
Piscataway 98
Acate 69
Frankfurt am Main 39
Rome 38
Milan 34
Hanover 30
Los Angeles 29
Atlanta 21
Udine 20
Naples 18
Gunzenhausen 16
Castel Maggiore 14
Venice 14
Bologna 13
Bonndorf 12
Beijing 10
Gelsenkirchen 10
Shanghai 10
Brussels 9
Hamilton 9
Southampton 9
Vigasio 9
Casablanca 8
Perugia 8
Buenos Aires 7
Clifton 7
Dublin 7
Gainesville 7
Kolkata 7
La Paz 7
Orlando 7
Santa Clara 7
Seattle 7
Acre 6
Amsterdam 6
Barcelona 6
Catania 6
Munich 6
Berlin 5
Chennai 5
Delhi 5
Modena 5
Nitra 5
Qingdao 5
Rimini 5
Sydney 5
Taipei 5
Tromsø 5
Adelaide 4
Christchurch 4
Florence 4
Karachi 4
Klis 4
Modica 4
Montclair 4
Mortara 4
Moscow 4
New York 4
Olomouc 4
Paris 4
Parma 4
Port Elizabeth 4
San Diego 4
San Prospero 4
St Petersburg 4
Treviso 4
Whitby 4
Agugliano 3
Ahmedabad 3
Baton Rouge 3
Beitou 3
Chicago 3
College Station 3
Erice 3
Ferryhill 3
Guangzhou 3
Haifa 3
Huizen 3
Izmir 3
London 3
Los Baños 3
Melbourne 3
Monroe 3
Porto Alegre 3
Potenza 3
Providence 3
Rutigliano 3
Salamanca 3
Segrate 3
Totale 6.319
Nome #
Ecopath Theory, Modeling, and Application to Coastal Ecosystems 154
Glacial history of the Antarctic Peninsula from Pacific margin sediments 126
Living marine benthic diatoms as indicators of nutrient enrichment: a case study in the Gulf of Trieste 75
Biomass data assimilation set-up and performances 66
Gas and hydrocarbon exploitation – Carbon capture and storage 59
Balancing the Modular Ocean Model for Mediterranean Ecosystem 59
Fitoplancton metodiche di analisi quali-quantitativa. 55
New Insights into the Black Sea Basin, in the Light of the Reprocessing of Vintage Regional Seismic Data 54
Submarine Canyons 53
15 - Modeling the Mercury Cycle in the Marano-Grado Lagoon (Italy) 53
Eutrophication, Harmful Algae, Oxygen Depletion, and Acidification 52
NDSHA - Computational Aspects of the Neo-Deterministic Seismic Hazard Assessment 52
Final Report Summary of the European Union Project Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage: Final OGS-DOGA Oceanographic Results 51
2004-2009 CO2GeoNet Activities: Final OGS-DOGA Results in Oceanography 51
Mud volcanoes and Coral mounds related to gas seepages in the Otranto Channel - South Adriatic Sea. 50
Cenozoic studies of Antarctic glaciation and climate from onshore and offshore studies 50
Late Neogene to Recent seafloor instability on the deep Pacific margin of the Antarctic Peninsula 49
Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development 49
Earthquake features through the seismic moment tensor. 49
Neo-deterministic Definition of Seismic and Tsunami Hazard Scenarios
 for the Territory of Gujarat (India). 49
Inversione e visualizzazione in geofisica 48
1° Leg - Progetto 2002/3.8 WISE, Progetto 2002/4.5 e Progetto 2004/4.11 MOGAM 48
System Omnivory Index 48
Seismic methods for aquifer analysis: the Basso Livenza case study 47
The Earth, its phenomena and some related methods 47
Chapter 6 Shear-wave velocity models and seismic sources in campanian volcanic areas: Vesuvius and phlegraean fields 46
Mediterranean Sea trophic characteristics interpreted through three-dimensional coupled ecohydrodynamical models 45
Delineation of the lithosphere structure under the Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet collision zone using surface wave tomography 44
Parameter estimation and the problem of identifiability 44
Vulcani di fango e strutture coralline associate a evidenze gassose in Canale d’Otranto - Adriatico Meridionale. Mud volcanoes and Coral mounds related to gas seepages in the Otranto Channel - South Adriatic Sea. 44
Time to Depth Seismic Reprocessing of Vintage Data: a Case Study in the Otranto Channel (South Adriatic Sea) 44
Adjoint Parameter Identification of Ecomodels 43
Response of Venice lagoon ecosystem to natural and anthropogenic pressures over the last 50 years 43
Current state, scales of variability and decadal trends of biogeochemical properties in the northern Adriatic sea 41
Winter fertilization in the Mediterranean Sea euphotic layer and its relationship with Northern Hemisphere large-scale circulation patterns 39
Campagne sismometriche 38
Factors contributing to volcano lateral collapse 37
State-of-play on CO2 geological storage in 32 European countries — an update 37
Gulf of Trieste (Site 60) 37
An Improved Geoid in North Eastern Italy 37
Introduction 37
4D seismics, gas-hydrates detection and overpressure prediction as a combined methodology for application to CO2 sequestration 37
Monitoring eruption-induced mass-wasting at active volcanoes: the Stromboli case 36
Previsione dei terremoti e scenari deterministici di moto del suolo 36
Bottom Simulating Reflector in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica 36
Variations of sediment physical properties and permeability of mud volcano deposits from Napoli dome and adjacent mud volcanoes 36
Algero-Balearic Basin 36
Modellazione del basamento sismico mediante integrazione di dati geofisici: il caso della valle del fiume Tagliamento tra Tolmezzo e Cavazzo Carnico (UD) 36
Harmonization Requirements for MSFD and EcAp (Contaminants) in the ADRION Region: From Sampling to Data Visualization 36
Morphostructure of the central-eastern Tierra del Fuego Island from geological data and remote-sensing images 36
Structure and physical properties of the tectosphere in the metastable Europe 35
Macroseismic intensity versus distance: constraints to the attenuation model 35
Codice MatLab® per il calcolo della risposta sismica di sito con il metodo dell'inversione generalizzata (GIT). 35
A collaborative framework among data producers, managers, and users 35
Multi-temporal evaluation of landslide-induced movements and damage assessment in San Fratello (Italy) by means of C- and X-band PSI data 34
Monitoring and early warning systems: Applications and perspectives 34
Scientific Report of the First European Conference Progress in Oceanography of the Mediterranean Sea: Rome, Italy, 17-19 November 1997 34
Geochemistry of sediments from the Peru upwelling area: results from Sites 680, 682, 685 and 688 34
Il clima e i suoi cambiamenti 34
A user-friendly approach to NDSHA computations 33
Working Group entitled Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS (WGEUROBUS) 33
Report of discussion group on Integrated Prediction at Euroconference Prediction of Change in Coastal Seas: Port d'Albret, FR, 19-24 June 1993 33
International ocean discovery program expedition 374 preliminary report: Ross sea west antarctic ice sheet history ocean-ice sheet interactions and west antarctic ice sheet vulnerability: Clues from the neogene and quaternary record of the outer ross sea continental margin 33
Contourite research: a field in full development 33
Geologia, Morfologia, Genesi 33
Seabed mapping for marine geohazard assessment on the Ionian Calabrian margin 33
Integrazione di dati geofisici : il caso della valle del fiume Tagliamento tra Tolmezzo e Cavazzo Carnico ( UD ) 33
One Million Years of Climatic Generated Landslide Events on the Northwestern Barents Sea Continental Margin 33
OGS and the University of Rome La Sapienza present the ECCSEL Nat Lab-Italy, a permanent laboratory near the Island of Panarea 33
Experiences with Ecological Modelling at CINECA 32
Classification and drivers of spatial pattern of thermohaline features of the northern Adriatic Sea 32
Fluid Seepage in Relation to Seabed Deformation on the Central Nile Deep-Sea Fan, Part 2: Evidence from Multibeam and Sidescan Imagery 32
Land-based remote sensing of coastal basins: use of an HF radar to investigate surface dynamics and transport processes in the Gulf of Naples. 32
An example of active DSGSD in the Carnian Alps (NE Italy) 32
Western Sardinia 32
Studio delle sorgenti sismogenetiche lungo la fascia costiera marchigiana - Simulazioni numeriche 3D del moto forte del suolo nell'area di Senigallia. 32
Submarine canyons and gullies. 32
Editorial: Achievements and New Frontiers in Research Oriented to Earthquake Forecasting 32
Annex I - Final Mediterranean Targeted Project II Products and Results in the Mediterranean Ecosystem Works by OGS-DOGA 31
Open-slope, translational submarine landslide in a tectonically active volcanic continental margin (Licosa submarine landslide, southern Tyrrhenian Sea) 31
Grain-size analysis and distribution in Cascadia Margin sediments, northern Pacific 31
Analisi chimiche, biochimiche e microbiologiche di aggregati mucillaginosi 31
Assessment of water quality status in the coastal area close to the Lagoon of Venice : first year of activity 31
Assessment of water quality status in the coastal area close to the lagoon of Venice 31
Necton 31
Determinazione del carbonio organico disciolto nell’acqua marina 31
Imaging subsurface structures using wave equation datuming advanced seismic techniques 31
Addressing Conflicting Cognitive Models in Collaborative E-Research: A Case Study in Exploration Geophysics 31
Nuova formulazione delle procedure per la stima dell’intensità macrosismica da dati epicentrali o da risentimenti in zone vicine 31
Chapitre 3 - Cryosphère et niveau marin 31
FReDNet: evolution of permanent GNSS receiver system 31
Keystone Species and Keystoneness 31
ECCSEL Nat Lab-Italy - a permanent laboratory at the Panarea island 31
Data report: Numerical evaluation of diffuse spectral reflectance data and correlation with core photos, ODP site 1165, wild drift, Cooperation Sea, antarctica 30
Dealing with mass flow-induced tsunamis at Stromboli volcano: monitoring strategies through multi-platform remote sensing 30
Maps, Graphs, and Annotations as Boundary Objects in Knowledge Networks, Distributed Cognition, and Collaborative E-Research 30
Balancing Formalization and Representation in Cross- Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development 30
Data report: Physical properties relevant to seismic stratigraphic studies, continental rise Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101, ODP Leg 178, Antarctic Peninsula 30
Totale 4.090

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2021/2022126 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 124
2022/20233.612 128 55 50 475 317 633 46 312 864 351 325 56
2023/20243.511 147 383 69 188 521 197 366 702 203 355 51 329
2024/20251.965 114 102 839 498 387 25 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.214